Joshua Hale Fialkov

Purveyor of sheer awesomeness.

Joshua Hale Fialkov is the Harvey, Eisner, and Emmy Award nominated writer of graphic novels, animation, video games, film, and television, including:


Today in Twitter

  • @LordShaper They did make one. I have it hanging on my wall. #
  • @LordShaper - i'm pretty sure there's only the one. It's just a generic DC Direct actiong figure with a little mask, hat, and gas gun. #
  • @lordshaper - That's what mine is. #
  • #
  • Stephen Moffat takes over Doctor Who! Hooray! #
  • This new Green Day album thing sounds like Green Day covering a Kinks record. #

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Rory Root

Everybody, everywhere are posting their Rory Root stories for all to see. For those who don't know, Rory was one of the real landmark retailers in the country. He managed to run a huge shop in a competitive market, cater to everyone, and, do it with a kind heart and a smile. In this business, that's a rarity. He was a man who geniuinely loved what he did, and wanted everybody to love it as much as he did. Earlier this evening, he passed away. At Comic-Con last year, I was signing at his booth and he didn't have any copies of Elk's Run on hand. He'd ordered the books, and Random House for whatever reason, failed to deliver. He was furious.  Not at me, but, at my publisher, and at himself. And not one of those huffy "You're losing money, asshole!" ways. He said that he was upset that a creator who's work he loved was at his booth and that he was being embarrassed by not having his favorite work by that author at his booth.

It might've just been Rory feeding me a line, but, I know that I walked a little bit prouder knowing that Rory at the very least knew who I was, and cared enough to put on a good show. The guy was a class act, with an even bigger heart. His kind words of encouragement always brightened me up during a grueling con, and frankly, the thought of San Diego without Rory perched on his stool... it's hard to imagine.

So, here's to Rory wherever he is, I'm sure it's well-organized and stocked to the gills with all of his favorite books.

The Fialkov at the LAPL Hollywood Branch

Hey gang,Coming up in just a few weeks on June 7th, I'll be presenting a program at the Will and Ariel Durant Branch of the Los Angeles Public Library. That's the one that's only a few blocks away from beloved Hollywood Comic Store Meltdown Comics ( The topic will be writing comics, but, will probably cover everything from making mini-comics to breaking in to the big companies. I'm hopefully going to have a few guests there, and have some cool stuff planned out, so, I hope some of you can attend.

And please, as always, feel free to repost this and let your friends know. Here's the full info:

Event Name: Comic Book Writing Category: Just for Teens Type: Author Program Date: 06/07/08 Time: 04:30 PM - 05:30 PM Day: Saturday Branch: Will & Ariel Durant 7140 W Sunset Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90046 (323) 876-2741 Description: Joshua Hale Fialkov, award winning author of "Elk's Run" and "Princess Resurrection" shows how comic books are written and produced.

See you there!

j. --

Bryan Scary and the Shredding Tears

Holy. Shit.  It's like Elvis Costello fucked Freddie Mercury, and let their progeny hang out with Ben Folds.  Really drawing heavily on the first five or so Queen albums, but with a sense of pop hooks that Elvis Costello showcased throuhgout most of the 70's and early 80's, with the sort of post-modern tweeking the Flaming Lips are best known for, Flight of the Knife isn't just the best album I've heard this year, it may be the best album of the decade thus far.

A true masterwork from a band who are only two albums old.  And, it's dirt ass cheap on iTunes right now. Go. Get it.  Love it.

Today in Twitter

  • Time to reup the hallucinogenic cough syrup. Hooray! #
  • The drug makes me want Mrs. Voorhee's head to wake up at the end of Ft13th Part 2. #
  • I want to be like @Remender and pretend to be fictional characters all day. Lookit me! I'm the Artful Dodger! #
  • Still sick. Hooray. #

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Today in Twitter

  • Oooh... must find a copy of Inferno (1953) in 3-D! Color, 3-D, Film Noir. #
  • This week's release of so called Western Noirs is giving me much entertainment while hacking up a lung. #
  • Adding insult to injury, my card was over charged a couple hundred bucks by a restaurant. #
  • After spending twenty minutes reading a pointless thread on a message board, I remembered why I stopped going to them. #

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Today in Twitter

  • @kmellon Prepare to be underwhelmed! #
  • Announced this weekend: #
  • Wrist pain means i get to take The Shield watching breaks every hour or so. See? There is an upside to crippling pain! #
  • Heh. #
  • There's apparently a Spanish edition of Elk's Run that came out a few weeks ago... You'd think I'd know about this stuff... #
  • Today's work completed, I intend to now pass out from sickness. Hooray! #

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So, let's recap.  Yesterday I lost an almost finished script that's due in tomorrow.  Last night, my carpal tunnel started acting up, leading to my hands swelling so much I can't get my VERY loose fitting wedding ring off, and then this morning?  Yeah.  That's right.  I have laryngitis. I quit.

Here's photographic evidence of my quitting, with wrist braces.

Today in Twitter

  • @BrianReed tells the truth. Bloom Blox is far and away my favorite Wii game of the year. #
  • Finally! A record for people like me: #
  • @bclaymoore Consider it handicapping for my attempts to keep up with your meteoric rise to stardom. #
  • Nothing like waking up to find all of the work you did missing. Hooray! #
  • I think today is a smoking day. #
  • And, I'm back where I should've been starting for today. DAMN YOU iDISK! #
  • Quick, someone find me a theremin. #
  • Just got some Jeff Lemire pages for a Western short I wrote. They're fucking awesome. #
  • I know I've said it before, but I would do almost anything to make a living writing nothing but Westerns. #

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Today in Twitter

  • Kids in the Hall was fanfuckingtastic. Go see them. #
  • Today is a catchup day, as I've been swamped on nonpaid stuff all week (from jury duty to a pilot I'm developing...) #
  • @bclaymoore You should check out the beta of Cultured Code's Things. If you have a Mac, that is. It's amazing. #
  • @JasonCopland They had a good mix of new and old, and did their legacy proud, I'd say. It was really, really great. #
  • @bclaymoore Vista made me switch. It was an expensive lesson, but well worth it. #
  • WAAAA #

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Please Pre-order the Josh Medors Benefit Book

I was asked by the kind folks at Boom Studios to take part in a benefit book for pal Josh Medors. It's got a GREAT line up, and I'm really proud to be a part of it. It's a tribute to Josh that we've gotten such a great lineup so quickly. Anyways info below, and if you follow the link, you can pre-order copies of the book.

PULP TALES - Benefit Book - ALL PROCEEDS will go to help Josh Medors & Family | BOOM! Studios


Contributions by Steve Niles, Josh Fialkov, Kody Chamberlain, Tony Fleecs, Dan Taylor and more! Cover by Ben Templesmith and Josh Medors 24pgs, FC SRP: $3.99

Help BOOM! Studios support comic book artist Josh Medors, recently diagnosed with cancer, by ordering the benefit comic book PULP TALES. This two-fisted one-shot features all-new, action-packed stories by horror master Steve Niles, P.U.N.K.S' Josh Fialkov and Kody Chamberlain, '76's B. Clay Moore & Seth Peck, Capote in Kansas' Chris Samnee, In My Lifetime's Tony Fleecs, and more! Featuring a cover by Ben Templesmith!

ALL PROCEEDS will go to Josh Medors and his family.



Analyzing Postcards

Long(ish) form dissection of each story from Postcards, including my story, seen here: ARTIFACT AND ARTIFICE: CULTURAL STUDIES OF THE TEXTUAL CITY: Postcards: True Stories that Never Happened

This story also invokes the idea of the city, since it is set in Paris and location is a focal point in the story – Marj wants to go home, Frank admires the skyline and calls it “paradise”, and the large last panel is Marj left alone, dwarfed under the shadow of the Eiffel Tower. Once again, here the city is an imposing, important ‘character’ in the story, where people can lose themselves or take on new identities.

Today in Twitter

  • New Elvis Costello Day! Me and @bclaymoore will be indisposed. #
  • And the new Elvis Costello is pretty awesome. Probably the best since Brutal Youth. #
  • @bclaymoore It's not. Only on iTunes and Vinyl with MP3 Download. #
  • @remender is a pussy. I'm on six different allergy medicines AND weekly shots. My allergies can kick your allergies' ass. #
  • @ivan brandon it seems that @jasonaaron only posts about Chick-Fil-A. Which makes us Popeye's entrenched folk jealous. #
  • @Rantz1 I like when I call the pharmacy for refills and they keep saying, "And is this one for your wife?" "No..." "What about this one?" #
  • Have I mentioned I had an unfortunate shaving accident that's left me looking like Trotsky? #
  • @JasonAaron I just tell them I'm from the future. That ends all discussion. #
  • @RobLevin makes my dreams come true everyday. Or at least once a month when the checks show up. #
  • @TonyLee I'm in pretentious goatee mode. It'll grow out in a week or two... in theory. #
  • I really wish someone would hire me to write Westerns. Someone make it so. #
  • @TonyLee I said pay me, not cost me a fortune. Very different things. #
  • I bought a banjo. All of my free time is spent learning to play the hits of the 70's on it. #

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Today in Twitter

  • Sleeping and then more jury duty. #
  • #
  • MEANWHILE AT THE HALL OF JUSTICE... Jury duty day 2. #
  • Ah, the drunk sobbing juror sitting next to me. Go Liberty! #
  • Someone remind me to write my rant about dissolving the current jury system. #
  • @BrianReed It'd be better than being judged by the crying drunk lady who's husband is here to talk to 'this judge.' #
  • Free at Last! Free at Last! Attica! Attica! Jury was approved the rest of us go home. #
  • The new NIN starts with what sounds like my phone vibrating on the desk. #

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