Today in Twitter
- @Rantz1 I thought that said "I'm going to work at Disneyland. So... confused. #
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Today in Twitter
- See you tomorrow for FCBD. Schedule over at #
- Evanier preaches on court room misconduct and Gordon Lee. #
- Heading off to Amazing Comics & Cards in Long Beach for FCBD. Follow me: #
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Free Comic Book Day 2008 Pictures
Today in Twitter
- And tomorrow I have jury duty. At least I'll have hot water when I shower at 4:30 am so that I can catch the bus to the court house. #
- Doing lettering draft for Alibi... I love @jerhaun so much. In a dirty way. #
- So... no hot water again... the adventure continues. #
- Sitting outside of jury duty waiting to be let in to wait some more. Civic duty! #
- Sitting in a different place waiting to serve. Juris Prudence! #
- We're on a 45 minute break. Justice Will Be Served!!! #
- With the break completed, we now resume waiting for our chance to decide the future of other citizens. #
- Lady Liberty has called. I have answered by walking down the hall to another room. #
- Lunch break inserts a pause into jury selection. The court finds you... HUNGRY. #
- At the LA court house they sell sandwiches like they serve justice. Cold and by the pound. #
- I hope I don't get selected for the trial, I'm running out of cliches, and its only the first day. #
- While justice is swift, the elevators to the 11th Floor are not. #
- And, we're back to the people's court. #
- The pee breaks ensure justice is seved, apparently. #
- Less than 1/3rd of the way through jury selection and court is adjourned. #
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Today in Twitter
- Day Two with no hot water. Ice Shower you won't stop me. #
- Extra points to the new Hulk trailer for using the theme from the 70's TV show. #
- Beware Captain Ginger: #
- @BrianReed and @ramtower clearly missed the awesome of use of the "Walking away backwards with thumb up" music. #
- Ice Water Shower, considerably more unpleasent then you'd imagine. It's like being scalded alive with ice. #
- @NeverWanderer Hopefully we'll have hot water tomorrow, and I'll never have to do it again. Probably not, though. #
- Catching up on Pushing Daisies... it's fucking excellent. #
- That's a big piece of calamari. #
- Afternoon walk... I think I'm going to get one of them Iron Man Slurpee Cups. #
- No Iron Man Helmet cups at THREE 7 Elevens. #
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Today in Twitter
- I wish japanese placed delivered in my neighborhood. #
- @NeverWanderer I only do vegetarian sushi, but, it's the ramen I crave. #
- Also... Indian Food... DAMN YOU GLENDALE! #
- @roblevin Stop talking about my knees, dude. #
- And there's no hot water as the water heater is busted. Hooray. #
- My Friday the 13th is in stores TODAY! Don't forget to buy it. #
- Google Talk keeps logging me out. Anybody else having the same problem? #
- I suspect the internet is angry. #
- "Without Barry Allen, we'd still be reading comic books about cowboys." Geoff Johns. I want to go to that magical Cowboy Comic filled place #
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Fialkov at Free Comic Book Day
Hey gang,Just got in my schedule for FCBD this Saturday, May 3rd. For those who don't know, you can go to your local comic book shop and get a whole bunch of free comics to sample what all makes our medium so great.
I'm going to be with the Top Cow Crew at the following places:
AMAZING COMICS & CARDS 5555 Stearns Street, Suite 103 Long Beach, CA 90815 (562) 493-4427 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. PST Eric Basaldua (artist, Witchblade/Devi, Hunter-Killer) Rick Basaldua (inker, Witchblade/Devi, Hunter-Killer) Joshua Hale Fialkov (writer, Pilot Season: Cyblade, Elk’s Run)
GOLDEN APPLE COMICS (HOLLYWOOD) 7018 Melrose Ave Los Angeles, CA 90038 (323) 658-6047 2 p.m. – 4 p.m. PST Eric Basaldua (artist, Witchblade/Devi, Hunter-Killer) Rick Basaldua (inker, Witchblade/Devi, Hunter-Killer) Joshua Hale Fialkov (writer, Pilot Season: Cyblade, Elk’s Run)
Love to meet/greet you if you're in the area.
See you at the shops!
Today in Twitter
- This Scarlett Johanssen Tom Waits thing sounds like Nico. Not in a good way. #
- So. Much. Work. #
- Watching live action Uzumaki for late afternoon inspiration. #
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Today in Twitter
- Rules of Freelancing: Any job that's both easy and well payed will turn out to be neither. #
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Friday the 13th One Shot in Stores This Week
FRIDAY THE 13TH: ABUSER AND THE ABUSED Written by Joshua Hale Fialkov; Art by Andy B.; Cover by Brandon BadeauA special one-shot! Maggie's life was never easy, but her abusive new boyfriend has pushed her over the edge. As her life spirals out of control, she hits upon the solution to her problems: use the local urban legend to "solve" the problems in her life. But what happens when she learns there's very little "legend" in the reality of Jason Voorhees?
Wildstorm | 32pg. | Color | $3.50 US | Mature Readers
You can check out a preview of the book here: (PDF Downloads)
I'm immensely proud of this book, so, even if you're not one of those big ol' horror nuts, please check it out. It's probably my favorite script from last year.
Today in Twitter
- @BClayMoore you should check out Petra Haden's version of the whole album. It's rad. #
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Today in Twitter
- So, this week's Doctor Who features one of the Young Ones. 12 year old Josh's head just exploded. #
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Today in Twitter
- Mmmmm. Indian food for dinner....... #
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Help Josh Medors -- Update
Hey gang,More info on what you can do to help is up here:
Please check it out and pass it on.
Vengeance of Vampirella In Stores Now!
This week sees the release of the Vengeance of Vampirella TPB collecting my first four chapters of Vampirella, plus a bonus 'prequel' story by Phil Hester. It's got a ton of back up material, including a script each from both Phil and I. If you forgot to preorder, you can give the following info to your retailer who can grab you a copy through Diamond.
Today in Twitter
- So glad to be home. #
- @bclaymoore I think you'll find thye play like six hours of diff'rent strokes a day. I know. I watched them all on the plane yesterday. #
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New York Comic Con 2008 Wrap Up
Hey gang,Not to be melodramatic, but, I think NYCC might've been a big changing point in my career. Maybe it was being back in the East Coast, and having the realization that I've come a long way since leaving Boston, New York, and Pittsburgh behind seven years ago, or maybe it was just the infectiously good time Christina and I had, but, I feel like I'm turning to the next chapter of my career, my life, and my future.
The big difference between New York Comic Con and San Diego Comic Con is size. The more important difference is that San Diego is populated by people who understand that you walk to the right, whereas New York seemed to be populated by people who think they can breakdance in the aisle if they want to and you go fuck yourself if you're not cool with that. There was much pushing and shoving.
Despite that, the show was a lot of fun, and my nights of hanging out with old friends from back home and wandering around NYC brought back a lot of fond memories that I'm glad I can now insert my wonderful wife into.
And then my visit to Edwin Booth's Players Club, with a guided tour of everything from the bathrooms to Booth's bedroom was... amazing, to say the least.
Today in Twitter
- Of course my blackberry won't sink with my computer right now. My iMac knows I'm leaving, and won't let me go without a fight. #
- Also, I spelled sync wrong. #
- @mrtonylee You keep bringing me exotic low carb candy, and you'll get treated like a VIP every time. #
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Today in Twitter
- My brain explodes for the awesome: [] #
- @antonyjohnston You unlock this door with the key of imagination. #
- @antonyjohnston Serling is much squirrelier. #
- @bclaymoore No, some act as if they're THIS MANY years old. :waves hand in face: #
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