Joshua Hale Fialkov

Purveyor of sheer awesomeness.

Joshua Hale Fialkov is the Harvey, Eisner, and Emmy Award nominated writer of graphic novels, animation, video games, film, and television, including:


Heading Out

Bright and (way too) early tomorrow morning, Christina and I are heading out for New York City, the New York Comic Con, and a weekend filled with seeing old friends, running from meeting to meeting, and generally wearing myself out. Thanks to the joys of Twitter, it's felt a little less isolated getting ready, as everybody heading to the show seemed to simultaneously hit 'Oh Fuck' Mode at the same time, and everybody's there cheering everyone else on. Or making mean jokes.

Mostly mean jokes.

So, till next week, very little posting, very little twittering. Please stop by Top Cow, Harris, or the Comics Experience panel to say Hi.

See you on the other side.


Today in Twitter

  • Great design reference: [] #
  • @jamessime Link? #
  • @Remender has deep emotional problems. Deep. #
  • The art of writing a concise one sheet will never cease to drive me crazy. #
  • So... much... work... #
  • Heading off to one of those crosstown meetings that tend to suck away the day. Luckily, I'm actually psyched about the meeting. #

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Today in Twitter

  • @remender and @templesmith are both going straight to hell, without collecting the two hundred dollars. #
  • Almost finished with Death Note. I've read approximately 2000 pages of it in about five days. It's... really alarmingly good. #
  • Great article about Franken's Senate run: [] #
  • The last 200 pages of Death Note is one long interrogation/confession scene... and it's awesome... American Comics has much to learn. #
  • Well. I'm freaked out. [] #
  • @BrianReed... Apparently it's time for me to get cable again, if this is what is on The Learning Channel, imagine what's on Spice! #
  • @mrtonylee continues to be a god among men. #
  • Postcards was nominated for an Eisner. Can I claim responsibility? Probably not. But hooray just the same. #
  • Somebody spell 'sodder' for me. Like as in to sodder together two pieces of metal. #
  • @BrianReed rocks old school style. #
  • @BrianReed is also kinky. #
  • I saw a one-legged pigeon today. #
  • @brianreed it came at me, actually. My germphobia almost exploded. #

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Los Angeles Public Library in Crisis

Hey gang,This may seem to not apply to those of you outside of Los Angeles, but, as our economy worsens, the same situation is going to be popping up all over the country.

Rumors have been swirling around since LA announced it's budget crisis that our Public Library system will be one of the hardest hit. Rumors from a 'transfer fee' for books, staff layoffs, removal of valuable databases, and cancellation of subscriptions to magazines abound. In fact, the library has had a buying freeze since February, meaning they haven't ordered any new books at all.

A few concerned citizens set up a website about the crisis, and you can check that out here:

On that site you can send a letter to the mayor of Los Angeles, and the other elected officials of import to let them know your disdain for their attempts to dismantle one of the best resources offered by the city.

Here's what I wrote them...


Dear Mayor Villaraigosa, City Librarian Holmes and Library Commissioners,

I write to express my great concern about the proposal to begin charging a $1 fee for all inter-branch book loans at the Los Angeles Public Library after July 1st. The public library needs to be free for all citizens of Los Angeles, and I urge you to find some other way to generate funds that doesn't place the burden onto the people who can least afford it. I also encourage you to seek creative solutions to generate income that can be used to restore the book buying budget. These might include hosting special events or a fundraising auction, or following the successful lead of the New York Public Library by selling reproductions of images in the collection or offering fee-based reference assistance.

Our libraries are more than just a public resource, it's the gift of education. As a professional writer, many of my fondest memories that inspired me to follow my dreams were of my time at my hometown libraries. Having all of the knowledge at my fingertips gave me a perspective on the wealth of knowledge, philosophy, art, and history that was so easily attained through a public service.

Just like with our troubled school system, the solution is NOT to cut services, but to expand them. To use the resources at hand, including the passionate staff, amazing collection, and wealth of cultural history to generate revenue that's already inherent to what they do. Chasing insignifcant fees, cutting staff, and defacing one of the truly great sanctums of knowledge in our city is not the way to accomplish that.

Our mayor made a commitment to improve education, and, to make sure that every citizen, be they child or adult, have access to the treasures contained in the public library system is an important part of that promise. In times like these, hard nosed, short sighted politicking is not the solution. Instead, it's time for our local government to prove that they're the visionary, foreward thinking individuals we elected.


Joshua Hale Fialkov


So, please, go to the website, check out the situation, and participate. Activism will make a difference, and it won't take too much of your time.

Thanks for reading, and feel free to forward this to anyone who may find this interesting.


Joshua Hale Fialkov

Today in Twitter

  • Tonight's Who was... weird. #
  • @mckelvie Vista is a failure in ever way. It made me, a devout PC guy of twenty years, buy THREE Macs this year. #
  • @ivanbrandon if it makes you feel better I'm getting audited right now. #
  • @ivanbrandon Meh, it's cool, it really just serves as a nice reminder to do everything above board. #

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New York Comic Con

Hey gang,I'm heading out in a few days for NYC for my first New York Comic Con.  I'm going to be signing at a few places, and on a couple of panels, so, please, come say Hi.

Friday April 18th 3:00 - 4:00pm -- Harris Comics -- Signing Vampirella 4:00 - 5:00pm -- Comics Experience Panel -- How To Write a Pitch -- Room 1E03 6:00 - 7:00pm -- Top Cow -- Pilot Season Signing

Saturday April 19th 10:00 - 11.15am -- Top Cow -- Pilot Season Signing 3:00 - 4:00pm -- Top Cow -- Panel -- Room 1E15 5:00 - 6:00pm -- Harris Comics -- Signing Vampirella

Sunday April 20th 11:00 - 12:00pm -- Top Cow -- Pilot Season Signing

See you guys at the show!


Today in Twitter

  • Finally got around to reading Uzumaki... It's completely and utterly badass horror. Highly recommended. #
  • In the past few months, my eyes have changed from pure blue, to blue with a green ring. I'm fairly certain it means I'm going to die. #
  • Tony Lee is my savior. #
  • Finally, a product for people who are crazy like me. [] #

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I do a lot of these...

The "Where I've Been" posts, that is.  I've been incredibly swamped the past week or two with getting ready for New York Comic Con, and the coming months of cons and deadlines. in the next few weeks, I've got a couple of books coming out, and, hopefully, a few more announcements of things to come.  I've gotten a bunch of Manga jobs, adapting and creating OEL's, so I've been spending my time catching up on some of the more popular manga on the shelf.

I drifted away from it a few years ago for a few reasons, primarily lack of cash, but, I felt like so much of the manga that made it here was sort of the cliche-laden version of manga, rather than the stuff I fell in love with as a child.  For every Iron Wok Jan, there was three dozen faceless stories about boys with magical powers.

So, with that in mind I entered into reading Death Note with great hesitation.  Plus, it's so insanely popular that it more or less has to suck, one would imagine.

But it doesn't.  It's superb.  It's some of the most sophisticated long term storytelling I've seen in comics of any kind in years.  The way that the concept of the book manages to be turned on it's ear again and again, each time turning the book into something brand new.

It's completely worth checking out.

I'm also pouring through Uzumaki (also amazing... some of the best straight horror I've ever read in comics form, in fact.)

As to what I'm working on... Mark and I turned in the third Cleaners script to Dark Horse this week, I'm on the 2nd draft of my last Vampirella, which should be a doozey, and I'm just getting started on Cyblade #2.  I've got one of those aforementioned manga projects cooking that's alarmingly cool (and has been LOTS of fun, thus far), and a few other unannounced iron-made trinkets

So, yeah, keeping busy.

I'll post my NYCC schedule in a few days.  East Coast here I come.

Today in Twitter

  • Tomorrow brings new Doctor Who. Hooray. #
  • @BrianReed Oh ye of little faith. #
  • @BrianReed, meh, I like Tennant enough that he triumphs over all. And, besides, she's not on the whole season. #
  • If you're in Los Angeles, go downtown to celebrate the birth of the "Original French Dip" at Philippe's [http: ... #
  • Oh Bowie in Labyrinth, you're such a rapscallion. #
  • The wait for new Doctor Who to pop up on a torrent site is the longest wait of all. #
  • Working on an outline whilst watching Halloween 2 for the first time in at least ten years. #

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Today in Twitter

  • @antonyjohnston and @mattfraction have given me an excuse to not start working till after I figure out my page count for the year. #
  • Q1 - 2008 - 588 script pages, 8000 prose words, 2 conventions. Watch me soar. #
  • For those curious, that doesn't contain the Manga adaptations, other than one which involved almost complete rewriting. #
  • @ivanbrandon - showoff. #
  • @roblevin: I think you're missing the word 'on.' #
  • So, in the past week I've gotten both an audit notice from the IRS AND jury duty? What did I do to deserve this? #

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