About My Eyes
A bunch of people e-mailed me about the eye thing mentioned in the Newsarama interview, so first off, thanks for all the concern. That interview was actually done nearly three months ago, and although I'd like to say there's been some progress on that front, there hasn't been. It seems I've developed some sort of opathamalogical neurological problem that gives me persistent double or triple vision and chronic incapacitating migraines. I'm actually typing this through cloudy eyes with one of the worst migraines I've ever had, so please forgive the typos (although,I think I'm pretty good). As some of you know, I'm also Diabetic, and eye problems for diabeticscan be severely dangerous, so, despite the lack of insurance (until recently), I've been extremely diligent about seeing doctors and treating the problem. Interestingly, my mom had a disease known as kerakatonis in her twenties which struck her temporarily blind, until she could have a cornea transplant. The doctors have ruled kerakatonis out as a possibility for my problems. They had also diagnosed it as Serous Retinopathy, but that also turned out to be wrong.
I've managed to stay more than on top of my freelance, thankfully, and wit the TV movie's first draft wrapping up and about to be turned in, it looks like we'll be okay financially for a little while. I have some fancy brand new health insurance, finally, as well, and that has started me back with a general practitioner, who's going to aggressively help get to the bottom of the problem.
So, in other words, it sucks, but I'm okay. I have good and bad days, but, it's being treated, and I'm still able to work as needed, so everything is on schedule.
Except for Three Rivers. And again, this is why. It'll be back on track soon, I swear.