Joshua Hale Fialkov

Purveyor of sheer awesomeness.

Joshua Hale Fialkov is the Harvey, Eisner, and Emmy Award nominated writer of graphic novels, animation, video games, film, and television, including:


Kryptographik Interviews Me

I talk about Elk's Run, Vampi, Punks, and a slew of other stuff.  It's a pretty long interview, so give it a listen, and enjoy.

Kryptographik Episode 10 arrives and to celerbrate we have a special episode.

We are joined by Joshua Fialkov who gives us his insite on the industry from the fall of Speak Easy to becoming the new writer for Vampirella. We talk about Elks Run and it's sequel and everything else in between he has down with his comic career.

26.6 Meg's for a whole 66 Minutes

Here are the download links.


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Also remember to Digg our podcast here: Digg Kryptographik And Vote for us on Podcast Alley: Vote for Us

Elk’s Run Toronto Release Party!

The Beguiling presents: Industry Night @ The Vic Celebrating the release of Elk's Run with artist Noel Tuazon, and Nick Cardy: Comic Strips, with editor Sean Menard Thursday, April 26th at 7PM The Victory Cafe, 581 Markham Street (Near West of Bathurst and South of Bloor) FREE Elk’s Run: Nominated for seven Harvey Awards, this groundbreaking series has finally been collected by New York publishing entity Random House/Villard.

The town of Elk's Run's fanatical survivalist founders have sealed it off from the rest of the world, transforming it into a twisted hybrid of Mayberry and the Branch Davidian compound. When a fatal accident leads to a revenge lynching and a series of murders, the town's teenagers try to escape only to have their own parents hunt them down. The ensuing cat-and-mouse game involves a mine fire, a stockpile of napalm and a rash of terrorist plans.

In cooperation with Random House of Canada, artist Noel Tuazon will be on hand to discuss the genesis of Elk’s Run via an audo/visual presentation, and sign copies of this wonderful new collection.

"Damn fine comic making"

Brian Michael Bendis

"Really, really good"

Warren Ellis


Nick Cardy: Comic Strips: Nick Cardy has been a dynamic artistic force within the comic book industry for over 60 years. Beginning in 1939 with the Eisner/Iger shop through a number of important newspaper strips, a 25 year association with DC Comics and an extensive stint in advertising (TV Guide), magazines (Crazy, National Lampoon) and numerous movie posters (Star Wars, The Bad News Bears), 85 year old Nick Cardy continues to delight his ever-growing legion of fans with a multitude of commissions and special projects to this day.

While his work at DC has been often lauded, Cardy’s short, but bright career in newspaper strips has received minimal attention.

Nick Cardy: Comic Strips reviews Cardy’s entire strip catalogue beginning with Lady Luck (1942) through Batman (1972) and includes an archive of previously unpublished artwork. Frecklebean Press editor/publisher Sean Menard has put together the definitive look at Cardy’s diverse newspaper strip work including his refreshing interpretation of Tarzan.


Come on our and support local Toronto comic authors, network with illustrators, artists, and more, and maybe even have a pint or two.

- Chris @ The Beguiling

More info: 

Duelin’ Fireman

Found on Metafilter

I remember hearing about this when I was a teenager. My two alt-type friends Dave and Neil and I were all about all of the crap this represents. Mostly Sub-Genius and Leary and the sheer absuirdism. Although, it was oftentimes only a theoretical interest, as we'd get a chance to actually experience the stuff and were always left feeling remarkably uncool. Like the first time I saw John Zorn play, and I was 13 and didn't get it.

In retrospect, I owe a lot of my personality and interests to that culture. I wonder what happened to those two guys, too.

Pop Thought Interviews Me About Vampirella

Pop Thought -- Land Of Frost Interviews

 The clothing, the body, the character's obvious appeal to boys makes me question its validity as anything but a whacking material object. Is it softcore porn?

Unlike Powergirl or Spiderwoman or Supergirl or Batgirl or Wonder Woman or... C'mon. That's a cop out question. This is a medium FILLED with unrealistic over-sexed half naked women (and men for that matter.) The only difference between Vampi and any of them from that stand point is that you're familiar with the others. Vampi, in fact, stood as a BIG departure from that bullshit back in the day. She was a feminist icon, one who stood on her own two feet, managed to tell the men in her life what to do, and do it with a laugh.

Vampirella Quarterly #2 In Previews Now

Let me know what you thought of issue 1, and if you dug it, you can order issue 2 using the following codes. I'll add the covers once I get them.





The Comic Waiting Room on Elk’s Run

Review by Marc Mason

What makes the book so gripping is the banal evil at its heart. No one in Elk’s Ridge believes that they’re an evil or bad person at first; they’re solely trying to protect their personal utopia. It’s only when pressed that each character begins to discover who they truly are and what they’re made of. But it’s the struggle of the kids that gives the book its “oomph”; many books and films with teenagers at the core lack depth, because the kids don’t dream about things of importance. Not so with ELK’S RUN, as the kids must take a stand and risk their lives for the chance to lead any sort of life with meaning. This is really a very fine effort, and the book was worth the wait. Congratulations to the creative team for finally seeing their vision completed.

Click the link for the rest.  Thanks for the kind words, guys!

Vampirella Quarterly #1 In Stores and…

Hey Gang,Vampirella Quarterly #1 is out in stores tomorrow, so please, stop by your local shop and grab a copy. It's got a new story by me plus a classic Archie Goodwin story. I'll paste all of the order info etc below.

In other news, it's been an eventful few months, obviously, but I finally have something to top it all.

About a week ago, I asked Christina to marry me, and, foolish though it may sound, she said yes. The sweetest, sexiest, smartest history librarian of them all and I will be tying the knot later this year. I've never met anyone like her, and my life has never been better than with her. Who knew that happiness was just down at the Central Library filed under History?

Alright, enough warm and fuzzies. Here's the Vampi Ordering Info:

New York (March 20, 2007) - It's not too late to order Vampirella's return! Get your fix of the hottest, sexiest horror in comics right here, starting this April in Vampirella Quartlery: Spring 2007 #1! Final order cut-off is March 30. Each issue of the ongoing Vampirella Quarterly series comes jam packed with at least two Vampirella tales.

Seven page preview here:

First up: Part 1 of "Vengeance of Vampirella." Vampi's new quest has her following the bidding of an unwelcome master: The Blood Red Queen! Why is she in the thrall of her arch-nemesis? Has she turned to the dark side or is something even more sinister and shocking going on? Written by Joshua Hale Fialkov, Harvey Award nominated writer of Elk's Run, with spectacular art by rising star Stephen Segovia (Witchblade: Shades of Gray).

PLUS: Archie Goodwin's and Jose Gonzalez's classic Vampi tale "And Be a Bride of Chaos" is newly recolored and remastered by Glass House Graphics. Read one of the greatest Vampirella tales of all time as you've never seen it!

The issue sports two stunning regular covers by Joe Jusko, his first featuring the Blood Red Queen, and Stephen Segovia, re-imagining a classic Vampi cover by Sanjulian!

Deluxe Virgin Editions of the Jusko and a Black and White Edition of the Segovia covers limited to just 500 copies are also available. A signed and numbered version of the Jusko Virgin Edition, limited to 200, also available!

Each issue is 40 pages, full color and goes on sale April 25.

To order please use the following Diamond codes, also found on page 87 of the February 2007 Previews Order Form (V17#2): *Vampirella Quarterly SPR 07 Segovia Reg #1 FEB3130 $4.95 *Vampirella Quarterly SPR 07 Jusko Reg #1 FEB3131 $4.95 *Vampirella Quarterly SPR 07 Segovia B&W Cvr #1 FEB3132 $19.95 *Vampirella Quarterly SPR 07 Virgin Jusko Cvr #1 FEB3133 $19.95 *Vampirella Quarterly SPR 07 Virgin Jusko S&N #1 FEB3134 $29.95

And that's all she wrote, thanks for reading gang.


Comics Should Be Good on Elk’s Run

Comics Should Be Good! » Buy Alice in Sunderland and Elk’s Run right now, just because I told you to!

Elk’s Run got a second chance when Villard picked it up and agreed to publish it, because apparently absolutely no one was reading the single issues. This is a marvelous comic that deserves all the accolades it gets (and deserves a better introduction than Charlie Huston’s, which is … odd, to say the least). There is no reason whatsoever for you not to buy this book. It’s a gripping story with wonderful characters and excellent art. It’s full of action but it also has some interesting things to say about our world and the way we run our lives. Do yourself a favor and buy it.

There's also quite a bit of analysis, and comparison to the just released Alice in Sunderland, in terms of themes and stuff.  Pretty interesting read, if I do say so myself.

Quick Stop Entertainment on Elk’s Run

Weekend Shopping Guide 4/13/07: Whither Booster Gold? » Quick Stop Entertainment

It’s a book like Elk’s Run (Villard, $19.95 SRP) that restores my faith in independent comic books. Originally published by a small distributor who went under before its 10-issue run finished, author Joshua Hale Fialkov and artists Noel Tuazon & Scott Keating have crafted a tense, nuanced bit of post-9/11 noir, about a small community with a lot of big secrets, whose tension-filled idyll is suddenly blown to pieces after an accident sets off a chain of events that tears the town - and families - apart. I’d go into more detail, but I’m really hoping that you pick up a copy in its mass-market form - which collects the entire run, with supplemental material - and experience it for yourself. It’s highly recommended.

Checking In

Yesterday's signing was a blast, and was well worth the trip down to Manhattan Beach (especially because Tony drove me.) We met a lot of fans, and sold a slew of books, and were then thoroughly entertained by Vaudeville, the band not the defunct theatercraft. I don't have their website anywhere, but if they read this, please send over a link, and I'll happily post it. Updated, I added their Myspace as a link up there. In other news, I've been having some interesting health problems of late that have been greatly limiting my work time. Luckily they seem to be resolving themselves somewhat, and I managed to get some writing done today.

And, of course, the passing of Kurt Vonnegut. Vonnegut was one of the guys I remember reading in like fifth or sixth grade and getting scolded by my teachers. "That's not for you," they'd say, and I'd just smile and keep reading. He managed to write sci-fi that wasn't, comedy that was, drama that had, and adventure that was full of the stuff. There was nobody better who did what he did. Although, to be fair, there was just plain nobody who did what he did.

And the guy has by far the best author cameo ever in Back to School.

So, thank you, Kurt for your inspiration and dedication. You'll be missed.

Don’t Forget: Signing at the Comic Bug Tomorrow…

the comic bug . comSPIRITS OF INDEPENDENTS on APRIL 11th

Next Wednesday will be Independents Day at The Comic Bug! Six area artists will be signing comics and introducing themselves and their creations. The list of creators appearing from 11-1pm & 5-9pm

Christian Berenak - Se7en: Lust

Philip Clark - Quantum: Rock of Ages

Joshua Hale Fialkov - Elk’s Run

Tony Fleecs - In My Lifetime

Stormcrow Hayes - Afterlife

Omaha Perez - Holmes

Live local band from 8-9pm - Vaudeville


Random piece of warm-up fiction I did a few days ago. She was smart, but she had no education.

I remember thinking that the first time I met her.  And who the hell am I to judge, right? I barely graduated high school, and the thought of college made my old man laugh more than the thought of me joining the army. They wouldn't even take me to peel potatoes, on account of my bum leg.  The missing ear was a later thing, from the boxing days.  Lightning Jenkins boxed the damn thing clean off.

But I'm getting off track.

What I'm saying is when that broad found herself in front of me for the first time, I knew somewhere deep down that she was up to something and it most likely wasn't something good.  And I told her as much, but she just smiled and smoked another cigarette.  You know the drill, everyone of the guys on the big screen from Bogie to Robby Montgomery had already done this schtick, but I figured, hell, it's only the most obvious ploy in the world, and generally, those guys got their whistles wet, and frankly, this lady was the kind of milkshake you'd want to dip your donut in, if you pardon the metaphor.

So, I smile and I says to her, "Look lady, I get it.  I'll bite.  You want me to find out who your old man's sleeping with. And now, here's the hangnail, once I find out, she's gonna wind up dead.  Either him or her, anyways, and somehow, I'm gonna be implicated.  You'll've hired me (you'd have a receipt) but you'd make it look like the REAL Mrs. So and So was involved, and somehow, you and your big fella would skip town with the loot, and I'll be sent up to the pokey for aidin' and abettin'."  I took the cigarette out of her fingers, and put it between my lips.

"That about wrap it up sweetheart?"

She smiled, and pulled out another one of her cigarettes.  They were the long lady-sized ones.  Thinner than my wallet after race day, and about as bitter as my mom after twenty years of marriage to my pop.  I smoked it just the same, though, grin across my face and all.

The things a guy does for dramatic effect.

Copyright 2007 Joshua Hale Fialkov

Precocious Curmudgeon Says…

From the stack: Elk's Run « Precocious Curmudgeon

Joshua Hale Fialkov structures the escalating crisis with care and intelligence. The events he portrays are extreme yet chillingly plausible. Characters are given depth and detail. Artist Noel Tuazon has an impressive cartooning vocabulary. He adopts drastically different styles to ground the story in place and time, but it holds together. And I love the rich, saturated coloring by Scott A. Keating.

Next Wedensday at The Comics Bug in Manhattan Beach

the comic bug . com

SPIRITS OF INDEPENDENTS on APRIL 11thNext Wednesday will be Independents Day at The Comic Bug! Six area artists will be signing comics and introducing themselves and their creations. The list of creators appearing from 11-1pm & 5-9pm

Christian Berenak - Se7en: Lust

Philip Clark - Quantum: Rock of Ages

Joshua Hale Fialkov - Elk’s Run

Tony Fleecs - In My Lifetime

Stormcrow Hayes - Afterlife

Omaha Perez - Holmes

Live local band from 8-9pm - Vaudeville

Won't you come join us?