Sick Again
It's been a while since I've been ill. Christina was suffering from a long lasting flu that managed to avoid infecting me, only to have her be mostly well, and me get slammed in the face by it. Well, hopefully it won't last too too much longer. Early reviews for Postcards have been coming in, and they're VERY good. I'm really looking forward to you guys checking it out. I also got comps of Princess Ressurrection Book #1 in, that's in stores pretty soon, and is also lots of fun, despite my marginal involvment, I'm still quite proud of it.
Also, my return to the genre bending western has just been cemented. Got a new book in the works with an established publisher that's going to be a blast. I'll keep y'all updated as it goes.
Now, If you'll excuse me, I'm going to lay down.