Elk’s Run Nominated for SEVEN Harvey Awards!
Hey gang, Just wanted to send out a quick congrats/thank you to everybody who's helped and been a part of the Elk's Run team. For those who don't know we were nominated for SEVEN Harvey Awards (Best Writer, Best Artist, Best Limited Series, Best Letterer, Best Cover Artist, Best New Talent, Best Single Issue).
It's a real privliedge and an honor to be nominated, and each and every one of you have been key to keeping the word alive about this book. Your advice, well wishes, kind words, and generosity have made what's been a very strange and bumpy ride one that's filled with reward and pleasure, and for that I'll be forever grateful.
So, without further ado, you can see the complete list here, courtesy of TheBeat..
Thank you all again, we couldn't ask for a better bunch of friends.