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FUSED ONE-SHOTby Niles, Long, Fialkov, Stakal, Chee, & Fotos
For Mark Haggerty, life has become more than a little complicated. He's been fused inside of a robotic Cy-Bot exo-suit, forced to live on a military base, and become the subject of endless tests, all the while trying to figure out how to relate to his wife from inside a hulking metal body. This one-shot spotlights Haggerty's return to comics, featuring scripts from Niles, as well as break-out new sensation Christopher Long (The Easy Way) and Joshua Hale Fialkov. 7x10, 48pgs, FC SRP: $6.99
Diamond Order # SEP05 2834
It's 15 pages of crazy explosivo action from me... even more so than Western Tales of Terror. Go. Check it out. Dig it.