Today in Twitter
- anxiously awaiting the UPS truck with my Kindle2 on it. Huzzah! #
- @marcbernardin sounds to me like you're doing it wrong. #
- I love the U.S. Healthcare System. I haven't been able to eat a full meal in over two weeks. Lost 14 pounds in that time. The special ... #
- The specialist my HMO will let me see? He'll see me in 6 weeks. Fantastic. #
- Very excited for new Red Dwarf... Hoping it's a return to form... 'form' being Series 4 and 5. http://ping.fm/7DOXF #
- And that's the publishing deal closed. Fialkov and Tuazon return to shelves in the not too distant future. #
- @KatzMoney May you do so in good health and even better spirits. #
- Being really ill while doing hours of research on terminal illnesses? A complete laugh riot. #
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