Resident Evil 4 Has Swallowed My Soul
Of the few Birthday Presents I've received, so far the favorite has been Resident Evil 4. Holy Shit. It's suspenseful, manages to actually generates scares (I've jumped at least 4 or 5 times and I'm only on the 2nd chapter), and just beautifully done. Biggest problem is that you can't run and shoot, which while it's probably a pretty good approximation of my shooting skills, doesn't seem to make a lot of sense for a special ops-y type guy.
Anyways, the really highlight of the game is that it's not just using bullshit zombie stuff. I'm about two hours into the game, and there's not a zombie in sight. The bulk of the bad guys thus far are more like possessed sick folk, almost akin to 28 Days Later, but a bit more perplexing. The game builds this wonderful sense of mystery, and it has me wanting to play it to find out what the fuck is going on and what the fuck is gonna happen next.
Aside from all of that, the game is proof that the Gamecube is actually a helluva machine. The game runs beautifully, the load times pretty decent (better than the load times on Katamari Damacy on the PS2, which is one of the simplest games graphically made since the 16 bit era.) The textures and lighting effects are top notch, the music and sound effects are even better. For any horror fan, this is the game that RE has always portrayed itself to be, and never quite succeeded. Until now.
Now, the trick is to finish these fucking scripts that are due.