Newsarama on WToT
Western Tales of Terror #1-3 From: Hoarse and Buggy Productions Visit: Writers and Artists: Various Review by Troy BrownfieldI�ve previously mentioned that I enjoy a good anthology title, and this is a good anthology title. Blending classic Western tropes with horror twists, these issues deliver short effective bursts of story. High profile creators like Steve Niles, Phil Hester and Ryan Ottley rub shoulders with journeymen and rookies for an average of six tales an issue.
While some fans might find the overall premise confining, the actual styles and approaches for the stories are quite broad. There�s a lot of variety in the art, and the writing tones shift from dour to humorous in the space of a few pages. As a reviewer who sees a lot of similar material, it�s gratifying to see a group of talented creators try something that�s very different.
Hoarse and Buggy seem to be one of those little companies on the verge. They also produce the excellent Elk�s Run, and they�ve grabbed notice from Entertainment Weekly and Variety. Even with a small base, they prove the adage that quality gets noticed.
"Proving the adage that quality gets noticed." sounds like it should be our tagline, doesn't it?