Joshua Hale Fialkov

Purveyor of sheer awesomeness.

Joshua Hale Fialkov is the Harvey, Eisner, and Emmy Award nominated writer of graphic novels, animation, video games, film, and television, including:



Hey folks,As the year draws to a close, I've decided to slip one last book in for y'all to check out. The much talked about ECHOES from artist Rahsan Ekedal and I and the newly relaunched MINOTAUR PRESS line from TOP COW. It's a dark horror book that asks whether you can inherit murder. It's about the darkest, scariest thing I've ever done, and I'm sure you'll all love it.

You can check out preview art and behind the scenes info (including ordering info) here:

To celebrate the books release, Rahsan Ekedal and I will be signing and partying it up at Collector's Paradise in Winnetka, CA this Wednesday from 5 to 7pm. More info on that here:

So, that's all she wrote for 2010. I just wanted to thank each of you for your support,friendship, and kindness in the past year. It's been the very definition of a roller coaster with the birth of my amazing daughter, the release (after a nightmarish delay) of TUMOR, and now, the release of ECHOES. Plus a few New York Times Best Selling manga, some books for Marvel, and some pretty exciting movie news.

I think I've done some of my best work in 2010, and not just in the baby department. I hope you guys have enjoyed all of my collaborator's and my hard work, and that you're on board for the forseeable future.

As always, thanks for spreading the good word and keeping the dream (and my daughter's food supply) alive.

Here's to a great 2011!

Today in Twitter

  • On this day a miracle of science occurred. That miracles name is @ChrisSamnee. He is mighty. #
  • I will be in Miami next weekend for Miami Book Fair International along with @kodychamberlain. Come and say hi, okay? #
  • Work or finish Larry Sanders? This is the conundrum I must face. #
  • At the Miami show I have twenty minutes to speak... should I read the Frank Armstrong short story or ramble about making comics? #
  • @BrianReed How did you know what I was doing right now? #

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Today in Twitter

  • Scifi/horror nerds who haven't seen the restored Metropolis, have got to watch it o. @tcm this weekend. See why it's THE masterpiece. #
  • Heads and tails above most sci-fi that followed it. And with the restored footage, it's not just finally coherent, but breathtaking. #
  • Go see why Fritz Lang is My favorite director. Especially if you follow it up with M. #
  • Beware! The Batgirl! #
  • Anyone else having problems with Twitter for iPad? Mine hasn't worked all day. #
  • @mattfraction That is spectacular. Kudos. in reply to mattfraction #

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Today in Twitter

  • I'm gonna kick this rewrite's head off. With my fist. #
  • Really, really like the new stuff in Scrivener 2.0. If you're a writer and you're unhappy with your software, go try it. Life changing. #
  • @andeparks you should start your own Welles based mail order business. in reply to andeparks #
  • @kirbykrackle I once saw a guy in an Elmo shirt break dancing on the street to no music. Not much better. in reply to kirbykrackle #
  • Considering I spent most of today laid out with a migraine, I've gotten a ton done. Good chance most of it is incoherent, though. #
  • @TopCow 25 bucks. Totally worth it. It's more stable, and much smoother an experience than 1. in reply to TopCow #
  • Finally finished an animation pitch I've been working on for months. 1k of the novel done, and now onto secret video game work. #
  • Fuck it, I'm gonna go read some classic X-Men comics. #
  • @FictionJones I've used just about every piece of word processing/screenwriting software known to man, and Scrivener is by far my favorite. in reply to FictionJones #
  • @FictionJones I work primarily with Scirvener, some screenwriting in Final Draft, and outline/text work in Neo Office, when needed. in reply to FictionJones #
  • @FictionJones My one recommendation is to actually do their tutorial. The software is amazing if you know how to use it. in reply to FictionJones #

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Hey folks,
First off, I've got a brand new book coming down the pike, this time with the amazing Rahsan Ekedal (  It's a suspense horror book called ECHOES published by Top Cow (
The first issue is a part of their First Look trade which is in stores this month, and then Issue 1 will drop in December.  Issue 1 is available for pre-order right now.  Just head to your local comic shop and tell them you want to order the whole series.  All five issues are complete, and the book will be released on time and quickly!
We also have a production blog at and a Twitter @echoescomic
If you're a journo or want to lend a quote to the PR of the book, just drop me a line and I'll see about getting you a PDF of the whole thing!
Also, this coming weekend I'll be at the New York Comic Con at the Javitz Center in New York City.  I'm coming in for a huge announcement involving MTV Geek ( and some old and new books of mine.  I'll also be doing brief signings for Archaia and Top Cow.  Schedule as follows:
Friday - 3pm - Archaia Booth - Signing Tumor
Saturday - 11am - MTV Geek Panel
Saturday - 1:15 - Top Cow Panel
Saturday - 2:30 - Top Cow Booth - Signing Top Cow First Look (Echoes #1)
So, please, check out Echoes, and NYC folk, I'll see you this weekend!

Today in Twitter

  • Echoes #1 by @rekedal and I is in PREVIEWS now Head to your local shop and ask 'em to order it from @topcow! #
  • @toysdream thanks man! in reply to toysdream #
  • So yeah, Echoes is set in my hometown, which you may know better as the Town where the Dawn of the Dead mall is. #
  • It's also only about eighty miles from the town of Elks Ridge... Or where that town used to be. #
  • The Social Network soundtrack by Trent Reznor is on Amazon for 3 bucks and it's awesome. #

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Today in Twitter

  • Joy of joys! RT @davidwain Hell freezes over! THE STATE ALBUM coming September 14! #
  • I've come to realize that the baby is distraction enough for me. Internet... OFF! #
  • “@rickloverd: Finally had a chance to sit down and read TUMOR by @JoshFialkov. Great book, highly recommend.” Thanks man! #
  • @Alejandrobot they left out "possible Black Dahlia Avenger inspiration!" in reply to Alejandrobot #

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