Joshua Hale Fialkov

Purveyor of sheer awesomeness.

Joshua Hale Fialkov is the Harvey, Eisner, and Emmy Award nominated writer of graphic novels, animation, video games, film, and television, including:


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  • My three year old iMac is bogging way down speedwise, so I'm trying a wipe and restore. Today is fun already! #
  • @michiev except it took three years for my mac to slowdown and months for my last PC to do the same. :) in reply to michiev #
  • Another Up short! Animatic only, but, fantastic! #
  • Most exciting new release dvd in a LONG time is tomorrow! #
  • ABC is in the adoptsploitation business now. Still more better than Leno. #

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  • @DavidGallaher I'm bizarrely excited for it. in reply to DavidGallaher #
  • When Fringe does mythology episodes it may be the best show on TV. They just reall don't do enough of them. #
  • @swierczy It gives you that lovely pounding rhythm that causes creativity to flourish. Like writing in a steel mill. in reply to swierczy #
  • Los Angeles Minus People... #
  • The Turtles movie thing is a surprisingly sweet tribute to Eastman and Laird. Really nice way to say goodbye, before giving it up to Nick. #
  • Wow. Tokyo Gore Police is bugnuts insane. Fantastic. #
  • I really like on Xbox... but shouldn't it tell you what album tracks are from? I mean, it seems like the obvious way to make money. #
  • Watching Planet of the Dinosaurs Rifftrax with the wife. Yet another reason she's a keeper. #

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Tumor Chapter 7 & 8 Available for Purchase Now!

Hey folks,The final two chapters are both now available for purchase on your Amazon Kindle.  You can download all of em at this link:

Also, as mentioned previously, you can pre-order the Hard Cover collection of Tumor right now in a couple of different places.  On Amazon here: or, from your local comic shop by printing the order form at

The hardcover is clocking in at approximately 225 pages and will contain all eight chapters, an introductory essay by crime maestro (and up and coming Marvel superstar) Duane Swierczynski, a brand new short story about when Frank first met Detective Polish, an extended essay on Frank Armstrong's Los Angeles, a sketch gallery, a reference photos to final art gallery, and a long form interview with me about the book.  Plus maybe a few more odds and ends.  Best of all?  It's only $15!

Now comes the part where I ask for your help.  Here's how comics work.  If you don't specifically go out of your way to tell your local comic shop owner or even your bookstore owner or manager about the book and that you want to read it, I almost guarantee you it will not get ordered.  Independent Books, generally speaking, are too many and too hard to guage for most independent businesses to take a risk, unless they know that it's worth it.  So please.  Tell your shop owners, talk to your friends, tweet, status update, hell, even jump on Myspace and tell everyone and anyone who may enjoy this book all about it, and, that they can even try it for free online at

Thank you as always, this has been a remarkable experiment, and, sales of the Hard Cover pending, a very successful one.


j. www.thefialkov.comTumor

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  • We're getting the word out about Tumor. You and all your friends can DL pdf's for free here: #free Please RT! #
  • Thanks for all the RT's everyone! #
  • Everyone follow exciting young comics writer @eltonpruitt. Or I'll cry. Which I'll probably do anyways. Curses. #
  • RT @JenniPowell: It's about time The Room had it's own rap song. #theroom #
  • @JenniPowell Now I want to stop working and go watch it. Curse you, Powell! in reply to JenniPowell #
  • Yeah, I just took a Degrassi and lunch break. Freelancing what have you done to my dignity? #
  • Nothing beats showing up to a screening and realizing it's almost entirely friends and family of the cast and director. #

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Comics Activism Now!

Hey folks, I suppose that headline should be 'self-serving Comics Activism now.'

Here's the thing. For YEARS, I've had people tell me how much they hate the lack of diversity in comics. Of course, I correct them, and tell them that there's no medium on earth with as wide a range of amazing works in a plethora of genres (I mean, there's a whole subdivision of manga devoted to cooking adventure stories.)

The thing is that these books just aren't ordered enough. The lions share of books ordered in the direct market are from the top two publishers, and you can't fault retailers for that. It's a tough economy, and they need to know that every single book they order has the best chance possible to sell.

But, with comics you actually have the ability to make a difference. If you let your retailer know about the books that aren't from the big boys, but are interesting to you, then there's a good chance that they'll actually take a chance, because if you like something then, the idea goes, your friends who shop with you may like it too. If you take the time to just Tweet to your friends about a book you enjoyed that's available, they can place their order, and if they enjoy it, they tell their friends. We're a word of mouth industry, and I think a lot of us forget that sometimes.

When I do a book like Tumor, I'm doing it for free. I spent a good chunk of a year working on it because I believe in it, and it's my art. Fortunately, I've been able to make my art my full time job for a long time now. But, the challenges of the market remain, and without the orders it becomes very difficult for me to convince publishers to take another chance on my weird, arty genre comics.

So please, I know that if you're a member of this list it's because you've enjoyed something that I've written. Or you're a glutton for punishment. Either or. So, if you've enjoyed anything I've ever written, I'm pretty sure you'll like Tumor as I've been told it's the best book I've ever done.

Still not sure? You can read ALL of the book for free over at

But I bet you HATE those Flash comic viewers, don't you? Well, howsabout this. You can read the first half of the book for free in downloadable PDF format here.

If you like it, please, twitter it, facebook it, e-mail it, show it to your friends, print out copies to give to your retailer.

Not sure how to pre-order your comics? Well, you take the form right here:

Print it out, and take it to your local retailer (which you can find here: and ask them to pre-order the book. That's it.

No comic shops nearby? The book is also available from here

Alright, let's say you've read the book and don't know why you should pay 15 bucks for a beautifully designed hard cover version. Well, there's the beautiful introduction by crime fiction writer extraordinaire Duane Swierczynski, an original and exclusive short story about Frank and Polish's first meetings, a long form essay on Los Angeles and it's relationship to the book, an exclusive gallery of concept art, and much, much more. It's 225 pages, approximately, for only fifteen bucks! Talk about your value!

So, thanks for reading, and please, if you like the book, don't make it a secret. Scream from the rooftops, and let people know that you want something different from everything else on the shelf.

Thanks everybody,


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