Joshua Hale Fialkov

Purveyor of sheer awesomeness.

Joshua Hale Fialkov is the Harvey, Eisner, and Emmy Award nominated writer of graphic novels, animation, video games, film, and television, including:


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Today in Twitter

  • Any reviewers without Kindles who want to check out Tumor Chapters 1-4? DM me, and I can hook you up. #
  • @newworldsph Drop me a line at josh at thefialkov dot com and I'll get you the links. in reply to newworldsph #
  • And, as I mentioned earlier, any critics, bloggers, etc. who don't have a kindle but would like to review Tumor, DM me and I'll hook you up! #
  • I interview The Man Himself, Tumor artist Noel Tuazon here: #

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Today in Twitter

  • Man, I actually really like this whole iTunes LP thing... the Highway 61 Revisited one is pretty dope. #
  • Pilot of Community B+, Pilot for Bored to Death A+. Can't wait for both to get started. #
  • Man, that's a helluva nice Tumor review: #
  • RT @ArchaiaComics: Please welcome @TomPinchuk to Twitter, writer of HYBRID BASTARDS! (Vol. 1 HC avail. for pre-order now: code SEP090596) #
  • Breaking the 2nd Act - Script for Chapter 3 of Tumor is up on the blog now! #

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Today in Twitter

  • Had the weirdest dream about our geek celebrity next door neighbor. It involved the dead bodies ge kept in his basernent. #
  • @marcbernardin He said that right after inviting me to board his wessel. in reply to marcbernardin #
  • "They're coming to get you, Barbara." "You're ignorant." "They're coming to get you, Barbara." #
  • I know nothing of sports, and now twitter is alienating me. Is football the one with the sticks with nets on the end? #
  • @ramtower I think you're thinking of Lacrosse, dude. :D in reply to ramtower #
  • I find the actions of this player infuriating. The way he always misses his intended goals, and then proceeds to cost his team the game. #
  • The technical proficiency of George Romero on Night of the Living Dead is amazing. I really wish he had the chance to progress beyond it... #
  • @jasonahurley Hehehe. My point is that NOLD is really beautifully shot and assembled with precision, and, nothing else he's done is. in reply to jasonahurley #
  • @jasonahurley Course, I still love everything else, but NOLD feels like the type of movie a young Scorsese would make. in reply to jasonahurley #
  • @jasonahurley I haven't seen it since I was 14, so I added it to my Netflix. Will report back. in reply to jasonahurley #
  • @stevensanders Most of the time, I feel like I'm missing out on something. But every time I watch sports, it's like watching paint dry. in reply to stevensanders #
  • Lucio Fulci's Zombi 2, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways... Zombie vs. Shark, Eye splinter, Bad English Dub... Heaven, i tell ya. #
  • I sing to thee, "I work hard for @katzmoney. So hard for him, honey. I work hard for @katzmoney, so he better treat me nice. " #
  • @philhester Never say never. in reply to philhester #

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Today in Twitter

  • In case you missed it, Tumor Chapter Three for Kindle and iPhone is LIVE! #
  • Emmy Day. Woo! #
  • Five years ago I worked the Emmys Asa PA. Today I was supposed to walk the res carpet. Instead we justwent straight for the snack bar. #
  • People are slowly filtering in while 90s rock plays. #
  • We didn't win. I suspect there's Commies in the Academy. Honor to be nominate Yada Yada. #
  • The Creative Arts Emmys have driven us to smoking. #
  • Ended up skipping the Governors Ball as Chrissy wasn't up for it. Had a nice Italian dinner to be followed by some @rifftrax fun. #
  • Waaaaaaaaah! #

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Tumor Chapter Three for Kindle and iPhone is Live!

Hey folks,After much delay, you can now check out Chapter Three of Tumor for Kindle and the Kindle App on iPhone/iPod Touch for just a buck right here:

As always, we'll put it up for free in a few weeks.

Talking of free, another of my short stories that was previously only on Kindle is available over on You can check it out in a variety of formats for free right here:

Thanks for reading, and keep on checking for more behind the scenes special features!

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New eBook Available for Download!

Hey gang,We're still waiting on Amazon to post up the third chapter of Tumor, but, in the meantime, I wanted to direct you to a brand new short story by yours truly for Kindle and the iPhone/iPod Touch Kindle App. It's called Belly Button Reset, and I'm very proud of it. It's sort of a Vonnegut-y sci-fi romance drama thing, and it's only a buck, so, why not? You can purchase it here:

But, what's that? You don't have a Kindle or iPhone? Well, you're in luck. You can check out a non-Kindle version over here at

But, I do ask that if you download it over on Feedbooks, PLEASE, post a brief review over on the site or over on Amazon. Reviews get people to try books out, especially with low price points, so it'd be a huge help.

Thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoy the story!


Today in Twitter

  • i've lost so much weight my suit doesn't fit me anymore. And the Emmy's (at least for our category) is this weekend. Men's Warehouse Ho! #
  • For anyone who missed it over the weekend... Robot 6 Interviews me about lg15, Tumor, Top Cow, Vampi, and more! #
  • Quick rec. on the blog this time for graphic novel Harpe by the amazing Chad Kinkle: Pls RT! #
  • Criterion of Mamet's Homicide... no Blu-Ray? ... Boo. #
  • Wrote 70% of a treatment while I was high on Vicodin after my surgery. The file doesn't exist for some reason. Did I merely dream it? Hm. #
  • Found it! It turns out, unlike many a student film, it WASN'T a dream all along! #
  • Everybody should follow @chadkinkle. Big things from him, I tells ya. in reply to chadkinkle #
  • @roblevin It got waaaaay better. By mid-point of the season it's some of Whedon's best work. in reply to roblevin #

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More Things I Love: Chad Crawford Kinkle's Harpe

No buy it now link for this one, as it's just now available for pre-order in the direct comic market. Harpe: America's First Serial Killers is quite possibly one of the most mature, sophisticated, and down-right beautiful debuts of a graphic novelist I've ever been privy to. First, about Chad. I met Chad at Comic-Con a few years ago when some of my buddies brought him around to talk about his proposal for a graphic novel. When I heard the concept I fell in love. When I got to spend time talking with Chad about the project, breaking into comics, and what to do next, I knew that I'd just met an exciting new talent who was going to rock the shit out of this industry.

The book, in case the title didn't clue you in, is about a couple of brothers in the early 19th century who went on a killing spree through the South. They're like Bonnie and Clyde is just barely post-revolutionary war times. It's a delicate mix of history and horror with the feel of good Western Noir, that's engaging and beautifully executed by Chad and artist Adam Shaw.

The thing about Chad, much like the aforementioned Joshua Dysart, is that he does something I just can't do. He takes history and makes it flesh. The book is thoroughly researched, pain-stakingly replicating the events, locales, and characters of this most definitely untold story in a way that defies it's period setting and gory subject matter. He creates a portrait of some sick individuals that you still manage to have feelings for. Considering the atrocities these guys committed, that's an amazing feat. They're not just monsters, they're human, and very, very real.

Do yourself a favor and head to your local retailer, and have them order this book. Tell them it's available using Diamond Order Number SEP090728. You'll be glad you did.

More info, including a five page preview available here:

Today in Twitter

  • In praise of @Joshdysart over at #
  • Or rather, @JoshuaDysart. #
  • RT @Robot6 Talking Comics with Tim: Joshua Hale Fialkov: This interview with Joshua Hale Fialkov - I really enjoyed doing this one, go see! #
  • @Robot6 Me talkin' about comics, lonelygirl15, and my writing process. Woo! #
  • Hmmmm... the wife is away, and I can hear Del Taco calling my name. You vixen, you. #
  • @BrianReed #thingsbrianreedmissesaboutlosangeles in reply to BrianReed #
  • Hand Jobs from dudes dressed as ladies dressed as superheroes on sunset blvd. #thingsbrianreedmissesaboutlosangeles #
  • @ramtower I demand more WINGS! in reply to ramtower #
  • Hey everybody! It's God of Lettering, Doctor Who aficionado, brilliant writer, and all around swell guy Richard Starkings! @Comicraft #
  • Every few weeks I go to and argue with myself about getting a subscription. It's an amazing resource, but... $72... #
  • I always forget how amazingly well done Six Feet Under is. Makes me think I should give True Blood a chance. #

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Unknown Soldier Vol. 1

I'm fortunate to call Josh Dysart a friend. I've known him for almost my entire career in comics, which is closing in on a decade now. He has a lot of tools in his toolbox as a writer that I'm incredibly envious of. He handles huge ideas in digestable ways, and creates world that are both painfully realistic, and bendable to his whims. If you don't believe check out his pitch perfect pulp work on Penny Farthing's Captain Gravity, him following in the footsteps of the greatest writer in comics and going toe to toe with him on Swamp Thing, or, crafting one of the most socially responsible comics about a crazy guy with a gun in the history of the medium, as he's done in Unknown Soldier.

The book is dark. Really dark. Achingly, painfully, nightmare inducing dark. And yet... it's not a nightmare to get through, as you'd expect. Instead, it's a delicate piece of true art that both forwards the medium of comics and manages to be a page turning semi-superhero style action piece. It crafts the perfect balance of information dump and character, that makes the world seem ultra-real, extremely foreign, yet simple and understandable.

There truly are few writers in Josh's league these days, and I'm thrilled to see someone so talented succeeding in such a grand sense. And in case it matters, he's also a sensationally sweet guy who can charm the pants off of you. Literally. I've seen it.

Do yourself a favor, and check out the book, and, I recommend seeing Josh's extensive notes, behind the scenes diary posts, and more over at

Today in Twitter

  • Second Kindle Short Story uploaded... I guess there's a new five day waiting period. It's like buying a literary handgun. #
  • RT @AndyBelanger Bottle of Awesome just BROKE 136k views from 73k earlier this week! you guys ROCK! I luv you guys! #
  • @andeparks posting prose stuff is pretty easy. You format in simple HTML, fill in the info and away you go. Comics is cosiderably harder. in reply to andeparks #
  • @martinboz I'm always reachable at Josh at thefialkov dot com. in reply to martinboz #
  • My brain is completely and utterly fried. Must... finish... last... thirty... pages... #
  • I think a squirrel just jumped on my air conditioner. Equally scared of the ac falling, and the squirrel getting inside and touching me. #
  • Done-de-done-de-done-done-done! Huzzah! I finally get a day off! Sort of. Today's page count: 40 comic pages. And now, to pass out. #

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