Joshua Hale Fialkov

Purveyor of sheer awesomeness.

Joshua Hale Fialkov is the Harvey, Eisner, and Emmy Award nominated writer of graphic novels, animation, video games, film, and television, including:


Today in Twitter

  • I dreamt last night that I was in Japan, at the movies, and couldn't figure out how the bathrooms worked. Discuss. #
  • I'm a little worried that the soundtrack to this script I'm writing is bad modern alternative rock. Really, really worried. #
  • Check out for awesome @warrenellis approved music. Very Godspeed-ish, and excellent writing music. #
  • Courtsey Happy New Year! #
  • I'm gonna go finish watching the Conversation and enjoy a night off. Happy New Year everybody. #

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Today in Twitter

  • The Lady Vanishes, once it gets going, is freaking amazing. #
  • Ah, public domain Hitchcock box set. Jut filled with treasures! #
  • @chuckbb Whatchu doin' in my neighborhood, fool? in reply to chuckbb #
  • Palindromes was pretty good. Not sure how I went from Hitchcock to Solondz, though. #
  • Finally, the Hitchcock Signature Box Set arrives, and I can sit down and watch North by Northwest. Huzzah! #
  • I love that the movie hinges on his excellent drunk driving skills. :D #
  • @jamessime If you like that... check this out... It's a stuff of title sequences from films. in reply to jamessime #
  • The impressive thing about NxNW is that you get so caught up in the action that you don't even notice how many process shots there are. #
  • @rabg RESEARCH! in reply to rabg #
  • @rabg ANd I've been really fucking sick. :D in reply to rabg #
  • @rabg It starts with 'shit' and ends with 'loads of money.' :D in reply to rabg #
  • Things I'll regret forgetting about at NYCC next month... #

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Happy New Year!

Just wanted to wish everyone a happy New Year, and, remind y'all that this week sees the release of Cyblade #2. It's a REALLY fun read, with a helluva cliffhanger, so I hope you take a chance and check it out. Thanks again for the support and kindness all year long. Here's to a great 2009!

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Today in Twitter

  • Long, crazy article about the future of online entertainment, well worth reading... #
  • Day 6 of the flu. This is freakin' retarded. #
  • I got a handful of new followers today. Clearly my angry sick rantings have an audience. Judging by how sick I feel, you're in for a treat #
  • @neilkleid Thank God I'm not a puker. It's probably my 2nd least favorite activity. in reply to neilkleid #
  • @jenlight Thanks, Jen. :D in reply to jenlight #

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Nominate LG15 for a "Streamy Award"

Go on and get your vote on here: And here's who/what/how you could place your vote, if you, y'know, want to.

Nominate Your Favorite LG15 Shows, Cast, and Crew

NewTeeVee, Tilzytv, and Tubefilter have joined together to host The Streamy Awards, which celebrates and honors excellence in web television. Please nominate all of your favorite LG15 shows, cast, and crew for The Streamy Awards.

LG15: The Resistance:

Best Dramatic Web Series

Best Directing for a Web Series - Yusuf Pirhasan

Best Writing for a Web Series - Joshua Hale Fialkov and Jim Campolongo

Best Male Actor in a Dramatic Web Series - Jackson Davis, Brett Ryback

Best Female Actor in a Dramatic Web Series - Alexandra Dreyfus, Marnette Patterson

Best Ensemble Cast in a Web Series - Jackson Davis, Alexandra Dreyfus, Marnette Patterson, and Brett Ryback

Best Editing - Jerry Pyle, Chris Ryder

Today in Twitter

  • Santa gave me a whooping cough for Christmas! God Bless Us, every one! #
  • All you Doctor Who fans better twitter when you find a Torrent link for the Christmas Special. Together we can win! #
  • Thanks @hectorlima @roblevin ! #
  • Harumph... now to find a torrent that won't take 3 days to download. Bah humbug! #
  • @johannadc That's OUR christmas tradition, too! in reply to johannadc #
  • Goddamn you California. Why's it got to come to this? #
  • Doctor Who Christmas Special was lots of fun. As was dinner with the in-laws, even in my sickly state. #

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Today in Twitter

  • Incredible Hulk... actually pretty good. #
  • @ChrisRyder and @BrianReed just tweeted essentially the same response. You guys should hang out. :D in reply to ChrisRyder #
  • Enjoying some iTunes only Classic Who... Deadly Assassin indeed! #
  • @EricJ_art You just turned into an 18th century woman, methinks. :D in reply to EricJ_art #
  • I think this documentary about early 20th century erotica is really jsut an excuse to show naked ladies. #

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Today in Twitter

  • Fighting off the flu. The heat in our little split level doesn't work properly so I spend the day going from extreme heat to extreme cold. #
  • Oooh... Roku player just added it's HD. Looks awesome. #
  • @rdhall With the upgrade is a message that they're adding new 'channels' in the next few weeks.... I just hope that means HULU! in reply to rdhall #
  • @BrianReed A lot fo them are on both netflix streaming and iTunes store fo' free. in reply to BrianReed #
  • @kmellon But it IS called Bitches... in reply to kmellon #
  • Slacker Uprising lacks an ending. #
  • @kmellon Never underestimate just how on the nose Hollywood can be. in reply to kmellon #
  • @gtangjr Eh, it's okay. I'd guess he realized it wasn't an actual movie, hence the release online. in reply to gtangjr #
  • I take back my nice things about Roku box... It's been stuck on the same section of the Oprhanage for like 20 minutes. Stupid Netflix. #
  • The Orphanage is fucking amazing. That is all. #
  • Watching LoudQUIETloud. Them Pixies is crazy. #
  • @johnwordballoon Don't you see, @bclaymoore is just buttering Vertigo up for his chance at the Prez redo. :D in reply to johnwordballoon #

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Happy Holidays

Hey gang,It's been a nice relaxing couple of weeks since wrapping things up on LG15. I've gotten to catch up on the past six months worth of movies, finish up some projects that had been anxiously awaiting my attention, and spend some quality time with the wife.

I've got some really cool stuff on tap for 2009, most of which I can't talk about yet, but, I do promise you'll get to see much more comics work from me than you did in 2008 (which, considering the sheer amount of stuff that came out this year seems like a big challenge.)

So, thank you for your kindness, support, love, and proselytizing for the church of Josh.

Happy Holidays,


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Things Learned in 2008

Not particularly sage advice that has struck me on this December evening... Closed doors and locked doors are two different things. One you can always go back and reopen, the other requires a small piece of metal.

Working with amazing people teaches you infinitely more than working with the average.

Applause for a job well done is nice. Knowing you did a good job is better.

Find the things, people, places, jobs, etc you love, and do them. Everything else is a waste of time.

Technology is amazing. Technology is a huge pain in the ass.

Life is considerably easier with an amazing woman standing at your side.

The only way to learn is by doing. The only way to do... well that would be to actually do it.

Mistakes are worth making if you can actually recognize them and attempt to fix them.

There's nothing more valuable than talented people.

When you have faith in people nine times out of ten they won't disappoint you. That tenth time is probably worth suffering through.

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