Joshua Hale Fialkov

Purveyor of sheer awesomeness.

Joshua Hale Fialkov is the Harvey, Eisner, and Emmy Award nominated writer of graphic novels, animation, video games, film, and television, including:


LG15: The Resistance Ep. 9 and more!

Hey gang,Episode 9 is live on YouTube here:    It'll be up on, Myspace, and all the rest shortly.  In the meantime, please, swing by, take a look.  It's my favorite episode we've done thus far, features all the stuff shot (and edited) on our whirlwind trip to Boston, and will rock your socks right off.

Also, if you haven't yet picked up the Cleaners from Dark Horse, the internet thinks you're missing out.  We've gotten a crap load of good reviews (which I gladly accept on the back of Mr. Wheaton's hard work) all of which say "Go get it."  You can read the reviews over at the Blog at

Finally, the last 3 issues of my run on Vampirella are being collected in Trade Paperback in Previews RIGHT NOW.  Here's the order info: NOV08 3745    VENGEANCE OF VAMPIRELLA TP VOL 02 DRACULINAS REVENGE    SRP: $15.95     = $

I've got a couple other things in Previews too, here's the order info for those: NOV08 2298    CYBLADE #4    SRP: $2.99 NOV08 0051    CLEANERS #2 (OF 4)    SRP: $2.99 NOV08 3994    PRINCESS RESURRECTION GN VOL 05 (C: 0-1-2)    SRP: $10.95

Remember, the only way comic books survive is if you place your orders and tell people about them, so please, stop by your local comic shop and give the order numbers above.

And that's all she wrote.  Thanks for reading gang,


Comics Should Be Good! Decleares Cleaners To Be.

Comics Should Be Good! » What I bought - 12 November 2008

Wheaton and Fialkov do a fine job taking this horrible job (well, I guess it pays well, and I suppose the people who do it enjoy it, but it still seems horrible), making it mundane, and then building a sense of horror back into it. Bellarmine and his team of co-workers make the jobs as scientific as possible, and the writers throw a lot of technical information at us that distances us from the fact that they’re cleaning up splattered blood. Then they introduce the mystery, and it’s rather terrifying. As a single issue, it’s well-constructed, giving us nice character sketches and a lot of information without being too overwhelming. Ekedal’s art, while not spectacular, is solid, especially when he has to convey the banality of suburbia juxtaposed against the presence of a lot of blood staining that banality. lurves the Cleaners

The Cleaners #1 Comic Books Review: PopSyndicate.comThe best first issue I’ve read in a long time.

Now this is intriguing. A new series about something very interesting that I know absolutely nothing about, created by people I have never heard of, and published by a company that doesn’t do this sort of thing all that often. How could I not check it out? And now that I have just finished reading it, all I can say is “wow”. Not in that way that implies something is so bad or wrong that you can’t help but be ensorcelled by its utter lack of redeeming qualities. No, this would be in that way that means that I am at a complete loss for words when it comes to describing how impressed I am right now. But now that I’ve had a few more minutes to process what I have just read I’ll do my best to elaborate further.

Comic Pants on Cleaners #1

Comic Pants » Wednesday Number Ones for 11/12/08The Cleaners #1 of 4 Writer: Mark Wheaton & Joshua Hale Fialkov Artist: Rahsan Ekedal Company: Dark Horse Comics

The Cleaners has a vibe that is pretty similar to crime procedural/tech geek shows like C.S.I., as Wheaton and Fialkov explore a little-known (and presumably real?) side of crime scene investigation, the private contractors who do crime scene clean-up. It’s not quite as procedural as I would have liked, as the writers don’t fully explain where the crime scene clean-up crews fit between crime scene investigators, detectives and coroners, but the focus here is less on exploring crime scene clean-up and more on setting up a set of unusual protagonists for what looks to be a supernatural mystery. The professional capability, combined with arrogance, in the lead character puts him right in line with protagonists like Gil Grissom or Dr. House, and it’s pretty clear that Wheaton and Fialkov have done their homework in terms of the clean-up tech and procedures. Rahsan Ekedal’s art is a treat, especially with the bright colors of Jon Graef. The open, sunlit feel of The Cleaners is a contrast to the grim and gritty look that’s usually present in this kind of procedural, and it works to give the book a fresh, approachable feeling despite its grim subject matter.

The Cleaners #1 -- In Stores Today!

Hey folks,This great book written by the ever suprising Mark Wheaton (with aid by me) with art by Rahsan Ekedal called the Cleaners goes on sale today. It's from Dark Horse Comics, and it's about Crime Scene Cleaners who specialize in supernatural crime scenes. It's a dark twisted good time, and I hope each of you pick it up.

You can check out a preview here: http://www. darkhorse. com/Comics/15-214/The-Cleaners-1

Thanks guys, and enjoy! j.

Today in Twitter

  • Watching the 6th Doctor take on the Rani and the Master. Also, good taste, thanks to the most atrocious Doc Who wardrobe ever. #
  • Harumph. A chunk of my macbook case just came off. Grumble. #
  • @BrianReed Part of the edge chipped off... damn you late 2007 macbook! #
  • Nothing quite like the Bogart slap. #

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The Cleaners and Boston, Ho!

Hey gang,Long time no weekly update. In the weeks in between, I'm sure you've all been checking out the weekly episodes of The Resistance at If not, you can get caught up extra easy on the front page of

As part of the show, we're heading to Boston at the end of next week. Anybody who's in town who wants to meet up, or take part in our live event should drop me a line, and I'll get you some more info.

And finally, in stores this week, the comics debut of screenwriting wunderkin, Fialkov wedding best man, and all around good guy Mark Wheaton (ably supported by yours truly) in The Cleaners from Dark Horse Comics. It'll be at your local retailer this wedneday, or, you can order (and preview) the first issue at this link:

So, that's it. Hope all of y'all are doing well, and, looking forward to catching up with any of y'all in my old stomping grounds.

See you next week,


Today in Twitter

  • Huzzah! #
  • Twitter is alight in comic book making political enthusiasts. Technology is really ridiculous. #
  • Godammit California. You used to be cool. #
  • @brianwood Think about the gay marriage ban in California. That's doing it for me. #
  • @SCSFLA I thought you guys got eaten by bears. Where y'all been hiding? #

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Today in Twitter

  • Everybody best do what the video says. #
  • That video, coincidentally, is the first one shot, directed, and edited from start to finish (with some help from supereditor JamesR) by me. #
  • Most people I've ever seen at my polling place. Maybe 50 total. #
  • Vote for free Starbucks, Krispie Kreme's, and Ben and Jerry's. God bless the USA. #
  • And the Armenians are yelling and stomping now. Go Glendale! #
  • Take that, Democracy! #
  • @BrianReed It is if you do it right. #

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