Joshua Hale Fialkov

Purveyor of sheer awesomeness.

Joshua Hale Fialkov is the Harvey, Eisner, and Emmy Award nominated writer of graphic novels, animation, video games, film, and television, including:


Today in Twitter

  • @BrianReed: Not really. We have replaced the water with urine, though. It's more ecologically sound. #
  • @neilkleid: The one time I wrote Punks on pain killers and produced unrivalled awesomeness has ruined it for me. #
  • Velcro. Triumph of mankind's ingenuity. [ ... #
  • I'm actually ahead enough on my work that I think I'm gonna sneak out and see a movie during the day for the first time in... god... a year. #
  • @ramtower: I can pretend to be Brian. "I'm watching my dog walk around. Now I'm standing up... now I'm sitting down." #
  • Most upsetting use of a cat in recent memory. [] #
  • @ramtower "Well, the weather is something of concern to a great many people here in the south and something which I once considered blah ... #
  • @ramtower That's no blanket. #

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Today in Twitter

  • The new Mac screen sharing is possibly the greatest thing ever made. #
  • Much work, little time.; morning haikus never rhyme; now i write cyblade. #
  • David Mamet is turning in his liberal card. [] #
  • @BrianReed: Is there anything else you'd like to be wrong about? Jebus. #
  • I'm apparently on a panel with the Buffyverse's bass playing werewolf Oz. Weird. #
  • @mrtonylee Only where it counts. Which is everywhere. #
  • @antonyjohnston 's Scrivener Template is the shit. Thank you, Comic Writing Champion. #
  • Typo of the day: From Cyblade "Dominique being jugged by XXXXXX" The H and J are too close together, apparently. #

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It's That Time of Year Again...

The Los Angeles Paperback Collectors Show 29th Annual Vintage Paperback Collectors Show & Sale Sunday March 30, 2008 9am - 4:30pm

GUEST HOUSE INN (formerly Mission Hills Inn) 10621 Sepulveda Blvd Mission Hills, CA 91345 (818) 891-1771

Literally my favorite convention, so to speak, of the year.  There's nothing better than diving through the dollar book bins at Paperback show.  Lots of great stuff, and incredibly cool people.  Click the link for more information, and see you at the show.

Comicvine Interview Features Much Pontificating...

Right Here

CV: We have a few Doctor Who fans on the site and the new comic is out from IDW, what are your thoughts on the "new" episodes?JHF: The show is so great. I have this theory of sci-fi that in America once Blade Runner happened, that was it. All Sci-Fi is dark and dreary. The stuff that ISNT dark and dreary ends up being cheesey and overdone. I think in the UK, because of Judge Dredd and that sort of smokey sci-fi tradition, that effect wasnt felt as strongly. There was still fun sci-fi. Doctor Who is probably the best example of that. Its sci-fi dressed in schoolboys clothes. Its fun, exuberant, and just plain hopeful sci-fi. As we get more and more bogged down in post-modernism and meta-snark, seeing a goofy, emotional rollercoaster like Doctor Who is really a valuable asset.

And how fucking rad is David Tennant?

More smart mouthing about things at the link.

Today in Twitter

  • And so begins my allergy season. The one that runs from March to November. God damn you, Glendale. #
  • Also, musical discovery: The scores of Francesco De Masi... sort of a less serious Morricone. #
  • Although, unlike Morricone, he apparently had a long line of Gladiator movies to score. #
  • For the first time since I started freelancing, I actually have so much work I need to turn of IM. Goodbye world. #

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What We Did Today The wife and I were invited along for what is now the second tour I've taken with the kind folks of Esotouric.  They specialize in 1940's flavored tours of the city, and today we went on their West Side Chandler tour.  It was, as the first one was, an absolute blast, and really quite educational.

But, as great as the tour was, there was just no way it could top our trip to what is probably the absolute coolest place in all of Los Angeles.

The Museum of Jurassic Technology 

It's what is known as a Cabinet of Curiosities.  A bizarre collection of scientific oddities, artistic accomplishments, historical artifacts, and just plain bizarre shit.  It's literally like stumbling through the brain of a schizophrenic.  From sculptures in the eyes of needles to Ricky Jays' collection of decaying dice it's really just one of the most bizarre, inspiring, and down right interesting places I've ever been.  Add to that, I've been trying to put together a book about a Cabinet of Curiosity for the past few years, and you can figure out why I reacted so strongly.

Anyways, it's a downright necessity for any visit to Los Angeles.

Woody Posters

Woody Posters, originally uploaded by Joshua Hale Fialkov.

My two favorite purchases (other than my Macbook) from the Tax Refund are the two Woody Posters above.

The Bananas Insert came pre-framed, and the Sleeper half sheet is just plain awesome.

I'm in heaven, I tell's ya.

My Rejected (And Borderline Psychotic) Zuda Comic

So, I wanted to submit something for Zuda, but, didn't feel like getting an artist who'd have to spend their valuable time working on something in a format that really isn't applicable to any other form of comics. So, on a day of writer's block, I sat down with my camera and made the comic above. Click the image for the whole thing.

It of course, not even really being a comic, was rejected. Anyways, check it out. I think it's rad.

Today in Twitter

  • iTunes Movies has the strangest collection of Westerns I've ever seen... #
  • I always forget how completely amazing The Searchers is. John Ford is a goddamn genius. #
  • Two new Sandwich Kings Reviews are up... [] #
  • Good morning, Starshine. It's been reported that the Earth has been known to say hello. #
  • @BrianReed: Due to your disdain, I will continue working on my Steampunk Western pitch. The things I do to piss you off. #
  • @Rantz1 Is it still available? I've been trying to find it and never see it anywhere.... #
  • How fucking great is Torchwood Season 2? It's like a brand new totally different show. #
  • Now I kinda wish I waited and got an iPhone instead of my Blackberry. The lack of Push e-mail was probably the biggest deal breaker #
  • "Steven Seagal is COCKPUNCHER" may be the best line of the year. [] #
  • Goddamn Great Drum Music: [] #
  • When watching X-Files, I constantly think people's penises are exploding all over. What's wrong with my head? #
  • For those wondering, The Who's Endless Wire is just as terrible a year after it was released. #

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Today in Twitter

  • Nine Inch Nails sold out of the $300 of the new album. #
  • I just barfed in my mouth from the awesome. #
  • @ivanbrandon Me too, buddy. We may be few, but we must keep our resolve. #
  • @antonyjohnston It's great writing music, innit? #
  • @antonyjohnston: I listen almost entirely to soundtracks and scores. I need my music more dramatic than rhythmic. #
  • @saulcolt: That shit is hilarious. And cross posted. [] #
  • Cleaning Lady day is always a pain... can never get to deeply into work, as I don't know when the fuck they're going to show up. #
  • My new pair of Bose headphones came . I'm in sonic heaven. [] #

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I'm on a diet...

photo-30.jpg To combat my diabetes problems. It involves eating the above whenever I'm hungry in between meals.

My theory is that the idea is that it's so gross you no longer want to eat. Thus far, it's working.

Contained in the bowl is just broccoli and spinach boiled in a water and soy sauce mixture.

You may be able to tell how thrilled I am to be eating it.